WEEK TWO - Marlowe's Work In order to develop a more detailed understanding of Christopher Marlowe and his context, you are going to explore one of his most famous works, 'The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus'. It is estimated that the play was first performed somewhere between 1588 and Marlowe's death (1593). Using the ideas of the Faust Legend , Marlowe explores theological and philosophical issues that were incredibly pertinent to his time. To complete your second task, you will need to read Act 1 Scene 1 of the play. You can access the text online here: http://pd.sparknotes.com/lit/doctorfaustus/ If you find the language or ideas challenging, use online study guides such as Spark Notes or Shmoop to help you understand the text. TASK: The play begins with Faustus contemplating the idea of knowledge. Read his thoughts, and think carefully about these questions. Add your responses to this post. You are welcome to add your own views an...