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Showing posts from October, 2017
WEEK SIX - Pageantry and Theatrical Context In Act 2 Scene 2, Marlowe calls on two important (but very different) literary influences. The two contrary genres of the Medieval Morality Play and the Court Masque reflect the different aspects of the play, the moral and religious elements alongside the more pantomime, theatrical moments.  Before you read the scene, you need to understand these genre and the different aspects of them.  Watch these two videos and make notes on the different genre. You may want to make your notes in the form of a mind map and then post a photograph of it below.  Medieval Morality Plays -  Court Masques - Read Act 2 Scene 2. In the comments below, post your responses to this question: How and why did Marlowe use elements of these theatrical genre in this scene (and the play as a whole)?
WEEK FIVE - Good and Evil Concepts of hell,sin, God and good are very varied across different religions and cultures. In the play, Marlowe presents a variety of different versions, from very simplistic pantomime characters to more complex philosophical concepts.  Read Act 2 Scene 1. In this scene, Faustus is initially unsure but eventually signs his soul away to the devil. At one point, the forces of good and evil are literally contesting for his soul on the stage. Remember, if you find the scene hard to understand, you could use an online revision guide or support resource such as Spark notes or Shmoop .  Consider the questions below and post your comments/responses to the comments of others. GOOD Where is there evidence of the presence of good forces/God in the scene?  Why/how do these attempts at good fail? What do you think Marlowe's views were on religion? What were his intentions in writing the play? What do you think he was trying ...
WEEK FOUR Faustus and Mephistophilis (2) Marlowe's presentation of the devils in this play was highly controversial at the time. While some of the devils we encounter later in the play are traditional stereotypes, Mephistophilis is a nuanced, subtle and (in some ways) human character. In fact, the boundaries between the human and the satanic characters are not always clear.  Reread Act 1 Scene 3, considering the way Mephistophilis acts and what you learn about Lucifer and hell.  Select one of these research tasks: - What is the stereotypical portrayal of devils in popular culture? Look for examples from TV, films, novels, theatre, games etc. To explain your findings, you may want to post pictures of them in your comments below.  - What is the story of Lucifer? Find as much information as you can about the story, particularly how it was told in Milton's Epic poem 'Paradise Lost'.  - What were Elizabethan attitudes to hell and the ...
WEEK THREE  Faustus and Mephistophilis (1)  To pursue his ambitions and satisfy his thirst for knowledge, Faustus conjures the devil and questions him about hell, the devil and damnation.  Read Act 1 Scene 3 carefully, thinking about your reactions to Faustus's behaviour, attitudes and values. Watching this video will help you to understand this very important scene.   According to the critic Charles G Masinton, Faustus 'has no one to blame but himself for his suffering.' From the way he behaves in this scene, and the way he treats Mephistophilis, do you agree? Explain your ideas below, using quotations and your responses to back them up.